Europlan specializes in the delivery of high class construction projects on the island of Crete, Greece.We are a rapidly expanding company with over 20 years experience in architecture, engineering, project management, technical due diligence and construction.Over the years, Europlan has constructed many outstanding properties, which demonstrate high quality and luxury and our new Europlan Video presents some of these.

Michalis Chorafas – Civil Engineer
Born in 1977 in Heraklion and lives permanently from now on in Agios Nikolaos.
He completed his primary and secondary education in Agios Nikolaos and he continued his studies in the University of Thessaloniki, at the School of Civil Engineering.
He works as a Civil Engineer since 2002 and since 2006 he is a shareholder at the technical construction company EUROPLAN, being responsible for the design department. He is specialized in the design and licensing of every kind of constructions, having delved into the Urban Planning Legislation.
He is a certified real-estate appraiser and energy efficiency inspector and has occasionally collaborated with five Banks.
He is highly interested in public affairs, while serving his country as well as the field of engineering.
He was a member of the Port Committee of the Port Fund of Lassithi, the Traffic Committee of the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos, the Board of Directors of Municipal Enterprise for Water Supply and Sewerage of Agios Nikolaos (DEYAAN S.A.) and the Committee of Urban Issues and Disputes of Lassithi (SIPOTHA). Since 2020, he is a member of the Technical Board of the Developmental Organization of Crete (OAK) and the Consultation Committee of the Region of Crete.
He has also a remarkable input in the Technical Chambers since 2007 in both the Local and the Panhellenic Councils. He has served as President and Vice President in the Prefectural Committee of Lassithi and in the Higher Council of the Technical Chamber of Greece/Branch of EASTERN Crete. At 2020-2021 he served as President of the whole Branch, while he is constantly being elected as member of the Higher Council of East Crete since 2007. As of 2013, he has been elected three consecutive times to the Central Council of the Technical Chamber in Athens.
He has participated as a speaker in several conferences and technical workshops.
He is married to the architect Ms. Konstantina Drakonaki. Together they have three sons, Dimitris, Manolis and Marios.
His hobbies include basketball and chess.
Yannis Marinos – Civil Engineer
Born in Rhodes in 1970, but originally from the Peloponnese and the Ionian Islands, in 1981 he moved to Agios Nikolaos, where he now lives.
Having completed his schooling at the Faculty of Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace, he graduated with the title of Civil Engineer.
As of 1995, he has been working as a Civil Engineer, and in 1998 he joined the free market as co-founder of EUROPLAN.
In 2001 he married Eftichia Apostolaki, a state employee. They have three daughters, Alexandra, Eleni and Mirsini.
During the many years EUROPLAN has been in business, the company has gone from strength to strength, seeing many successes and distinctions, and continues its good work in the field of design and construction.
His social activities are also noteworthy. To name but a few, his participation as a regular member of the Board of the Lassithi Chamber of Commerce and the municipal water network company, the School Committee of Primary Education, the Traffic Committee and the Port Committee of the Lassithi Port Fund.
In 2019 Mr. Marinos was elected Municipal Councilor of the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos and was given the position of Vice Mayor for Technical Projects and Studies
He draws his strength from sports and was an athlete in the Nautical Club of Agios Nikolaos, specifically for water polo. In recent years he plays soccer, taking part in practice sessions and accompanying A.O. Agios Nikolaos F.C to its away games, as a member of the club’s veteran team.
Team Members
Γιαπιτζάκη Μόνικα
Δαλαϊνα Ελευθερία
Καχοπούλου Γεωργία
Καπερώνης Χρήστος
Λεμπίδης Γιώργος
Χειρακάκης Νίκος
Κρεμμυδιώτης Διονύσιος
Κριτσωτάκης Μιχαήλ
Γιαννακάκη Πόπη
Θραψανιώτου Μαρία
Λιόκαλος Γιάννης
Κρατημένου Σούλα
Μυλωνάκης Κωστής
Νικολαράκης Μάνος
Πατεράκης Φίλιππος
Χειμωνάκη Ανδρονίκη
Περουλιού Άννα
Χατζηπαναγιώτης Χάρης
Σταυρακάκης Μάνος
Τουτουδάκης Γιάννης
Παπαδάκης Νίκος
Καμαριανάκη Κατερίνα
Ατσαλάκης Παναγιώτης
Καραβασίλη Αλεξάνδρα
Λαπούσι Σιντορέλα
Κουτσούνα Άντζυ
Νικολαράκης Αντώνης
Our Awards
Villa Talisker – Best Architecture (Single Unit) Greece
Villa Kalo Chorio – Best Architecture Single Residence Greece
Plaka Villa – Best Architecture Single Residence Greece
Toad Hall – Best Architecture Singe Residence Greece
Mirabello Blue Gulf Villa – Best Architecture Single Residence Europe
Villa Isabelle – High Commended Architecture Single Residence Greece
Emotion Art Villa – Best Architecture Singe Residence Greece
Villa Aurora – Best Architecture Single Residence Greece
Istron Villa – Residential Property Greece
Villa Olivia – Best Residential Property Greece
Villa Orea – Architecture Single Residence Greece